That’s you skipping the guesswork (and the doubt) and going straight to getting fitter and faster in a mountain-specific way, without wasting any time, effort, or mental space.

                  a few clicks and a conversation away from getting your own mountain-specific training program.

I'm in, let's get started

The peak performance Program

You're just

Am I putting in enough effort with my training?

Do I have what it takes to pull this off?

Will I actually be ready in time?

What if I’m not fit enough?

What if I’m too slow and can’t keep up with my group?

You’re normally a high achiever who knows where they’re going and how. But when it comes to your training, things are feeling a bit, well, meh.

You’ve got your dream trek or expedition planned, and it's all you can think about.

Some days, you’re all in, ready to train hard, take on the world (and the gym). But let's be real, on most days, it's like your motivation and confidence takes a nosedive, giving way to doubt and questions like:

Hey, is this you?

And the big one:

Most people I speak to have said that those are their top five biggest concerns when it comes to training for a trek or expedition.

                   You’re not the only one. 

The truth is, you’re just not sure how to train to make a real difference, transitioning from general fitness to mountain-specific fitness for steep slopes, uneven terrain, a pack that would warrant a “WARNING: HEAVY LOAD” sign at the airport, and knee-jarring descents that seem endless.

It’s beyond frustrating, isn’t it? Despite your efforts and best of intentions, it's starting to feel like you're stuck in neutral, going nowhere fast.


Training for your dream adventure hasn’t exactly started out the way you had envisioned but it doesn’t have to keep going that way

When you close your eyes and see yourself on the summit or at the end of your trek, which scenario plays out?

So, let’s hit the restart button with this…

You’re bent over, unable to catch your breath, exhausted and depleted. Instead of enjoying the moment, you’re trying to find the mental and emotional strength just to make it back down safely.

Scenario #1

You’re standing tall, in complete strength and power, tears of joy in your eyes, knowing that YOU made it with pride and dignity and that the mountain, despite being challenging, didn’t take everything from you.

Scenario #2

It’s Scenario #2 for you.

How do I know? 

Because you’re here, trying to find a better way to train and prepare for the adventure of a life time.

The good news is, you’re in the right place.

Let me guess!


The great news is,

This program doesn’t just including your training, it includes the four pillars that are key to improving your overall physical performance and success on your trek or expedition. 

You see, genuine success isn’t just about reaching the summit or the end of the trek.

It’s about actually enjoying the adventure, operating at your peak mental and physical capacity, anticipating challenges, and knowing how to pivot when things don’t quite go according to plan.


The Peak Performance Program

So, are you ready for that version of success?

Of course you are!

The                        Of The Peak Performance Program:

Four Pillars

The                           Of The Peak Performance Program:

PILLAR 1: Your Training

This is the fun part! I'll customise your training program to match your departure date, strategically managing your training load and phases to ensure you peak in performance the day you depart.

Each week of your training program, I'll schedule sessions focused on the five cardiovascular and muscular systems specific to mountaineering and trekking.

Seen my Instagram page with some of my mountain-specific training techniques? Expect that, but on a whole different level in this program.

This isn't a "pre-built" training program. Before you start, I'll ask about your weekly schedule, preferred training days, location, equipment availability, travel plans, and more.

and hey...


Leave it with me to crunch the numbers and create your nutrition plan tailored to your precise calories and macronutrients for optimal performance. 

Get over 350 interactive recipes perfectly aligned with your nutrition plan. Ingredient amounts? They auto-adjust based on your unique calorie and macronutrient requirements.

And hey, nutrition isn't just about preparing for your adventure. We'll also fine-tune your snack and hydration protocol to perfection so you hit your peak performance on your adventure, when it really counts.

You'll also get my "All-In-One Supplement Guide" and six-step protocol to maximise your training and recovery, including during menstruation and menopause.



No matter how fit you are, if your mind isn’t in the right place, you’re likely to give up when things get tough. That’s why mental performance is such a pivotal element of the program.

Each week, you'll receive a message or video focused on enhancing your mountaineering mindset. Topics include summit night techniques, strategies to overcome fear, understanding cognitive distortions, and much more.

 I'm currently doing my Masters in Sports Psychology and Performance, so expect this aspect of the program to be next level!



Need to speak to me in person? You'll find me every week on the Peak Performance Q&A call.

Can't make the Q&A call? No sweat - I record every session and send it your way straight afterwards. It makes for the perfect Zone 2 entertainment!

Got a burning question outside of the Q&A call? GREAT! I'm here for it! You'll be able to message me directly through the messaging system that's linked with your program.


SIGN me up yesterday

We’ll go through your gear list together in a systematic way aka an Excel spreadsheet. I’ll guide you on what to buy first, where to get it, what’s worth to investing in (and what’s worth saving on), and what you might consider renting.

Hang on! There’s even more to this program

When you join this program, you’re no longer doing this thing alone. Instead, you’re joining a team of like minded people who are also doing this program. They are the people who get you, accept you, and will always be there to encourage you and persuade you to book another adventure.


Long, complicated gear list? I got you!

“I haven’t got anyone who understands me or why I’m doing this”


Not Convinced Yet?

Read what other people have said:

Mt Shasta |

My friends were impressed at how I could “sprint up the hill like that!” And I couldn’t agree more. Not that I needed any more convincing that your program was having a huge impact but this heavily weighted long hike made it very clear just how good this program is.

Aconcagua |

Summited yesterday! The weather has been INSANE but it broke for one day. I was the only woman on the summit! THANK YOU KATE!!!!! Could not have done this without you!

Kilimanjaro |

I did the 13-mile winter hike with a total of 3,700ft elevation gain yesterday. Thanks to Kate’s training, I could hardly feel anything in my legs! It’s been three weeks since I started and I can feel the difference already!




Aconcagua |

This training has given me so much focus. I’m truly enjoying it and for the first time, feeling like I’m on a path of training that I can see results.

Island Peak & Three Passes Trek |

We just got home from our annual winter trip to Manama. This year, it was only my third time, but 2 months into my training with you, and it was a whole new experience! I was actually fit enough to improve my technique and skills. HUGE improvement from my before-Kate training plan!

 Everest Base Camp |

I have to say, I felt amazing during today’s hike! It’s incredible to see the difference - I never realised how strong I could be physically. With your guidance, I’m confident I’ll get even stronger! Thank you Kate




Toubkal |

I may have talked nonstop about you, your program and all the amazing things I’ve learned because of this program. I mean, I trusted your process but to see it play out like it did in real life is amazing! I was so prepared on so many levels. Hands down the best $ I have ever spent was hiring you as my coach.

Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim |

Kate's coaching was instrumental in my Grand Canyon R2R journey - the program she built me was intense but worth every bit of the effort. It’s been years since I’ve felt this fit and strong! 

Eiger & Matterhorn |

Thank you!!! Your help and training has obviously made a massive difference. The guide said my fitness was good and I’m not even acclimatised! This trip has made me even more keen to push harder and get even fitter now!




Ama Dablam |

Kate ❤️ I’ve been reading and rereading your message a hundred times over the last few days as I’m preparing for the summit push. So much wisdom in all the words you’re sharing with me, articulating exactly how I’m feeling and why I’m doing this. 

Kilimanjaro  |

Thank you Kate!!! It was incredible training with you and it truly helped me make it each day! I was physically (and mentally) able to complete the hikes each day without feeling tired.

Aconcagua |

I ascended the Canaleta repeating Kate’s mantra “outlast” and reached the summit and safely descended the entire mountain back to base camp after summiting – it was a continual 31-hour journey from Camp 2 to the summit and back to base camp. That is the POWER of Kate’s training – endurance, mental toughness, being unstoppable.




Here’s what’s waiting for you when you join The Peak Performance Program:

Private profile on Kate’s training platform

Personalised training plan, based on Kate’s “Start To Summit Training System”

Personalised nutrition plan

Supplement recommendations

Weekly mindset techniques

Weekly coaching and support from Kate

Individual gear advice, support and recommendations
and get access to the team chat – the cozy virtual corner where my clients hangout.


I'm in! Let's get started

I’m Kate Sielmann

Why? Because nothing lights me up more (except when my twin 4-year-old daughters hug me and tell me they love me) than seeing people live out their wildest mountaineering and trekking dreams in complete strength and power.

It’s like in that moment, they transform into a blank canvas of pure potential and belief, shedding past failures and insecurities. Helping someone to feel THAT and see themselves in that light is the reason why I love my “job”.

Despite the superficial reasons for mountaineering and trekking, it’s always been about more than just reaching the summit or the end of the trek. It’s about experiencing and seeing our true potential.

Same for you? I know, it’s the same for me too.

All the best,



I’m a Sport Scientist and an obsessed mountaineer, with a second obsession…

Helping people get fitter and faster in a mountain-specific way without wasting time, effort, or sweat.

Insider secrets, altitude, best tips and practices, and all the do’s and don’ts to help you get fitter, faster and better prepared for your next adventure. You in?

Let’s grab a virtual coffee together and meet up in your inbox to talk all things mountaineering & trekking

        What are you doing next Thursday?


mountaineering & trekking training   •                              •   MOUNTAINEERING & TREKKING TRAINING   •                              •   MOUNTAINEERING & TREKKING TRAINING

                                                                      kate sielmann                                                                             KATE SIELMANN

kate sielmann

mountaineering & trekking training